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Why are we here?

Writer: Emma KuypersEmma Kuypers

This a question many of us ponder, there is so much turmoil and chaos in the world today. Why are we here? Is it simply to survive as best we can, then die?

I don't think so, my journey has been one of wonderment and turmoil and I have come to realize that these moments in time help us navigate this thing we call life and appreciate how far we have come or have to go.

You have the power to create any life you want by the choices you make. Give yourself your power back, refuse to let others have power over you. This is easy said than done I hear you say and yes it can be! We can feel trapped, stuck and like there is no way out. Through my own personal experiences, I believe we are playing the victim in our lives; we are trapped by our choices and the programs we have allowed ourselves to believe. 'I don't deserve anything better'. 'I am a bad person; I don't deserve happiness'. 'I am not good enough, important enough or brave enough to make the change'. I am afraid of the unknown'. 'I don't know how to survive on my own'. All these phrases and the many others we have running around in our head serve only to trap us. To keep us stuck and continue on the same path.

The real question is Why are YOU here? When you ask this question, you are opening yourself up to an infinite number of possibilities! The answer as with everything, lies within us.

What if I told you that by making one small step, you can start on an amazing journey to loving yourself and begin to understand 'Why you are here'. What is an example of this you ask? What if today you tried something different? It doesn't have to earthshattering like jumping out of a plane or quitting the job you hate (but it could be!!!). It could be as simple as .... Today, I am going to take a breath before I answer, I am going to think about my words before I say them.

Words are energy, and once spoken they generate even more energy and have consequences much larger and far reaching than we can comprehend in our lives and the lives of others. So, what if we became more mindful about our words and took a moment before speaking? This allows us the time and the choice on how we act, how we impact our life and others. This small step can stop wars, inequality, torture all forms of horrific things we see in our world today which makes us ask 'Why are we here?' It also, allows us to take our power back and make a choice about how we will act today. This small step can be a game changer, an argument stopper and also get other people to think 'Oh, I didn't expect that reaction, they normally flare up when I say this.' This creates a different energy as it starts the process of change and may get others wondering... if they can, maybe I can too! We all have the ability to do this, we just need to stop reacting and using words in a hurtful way. Slow down, take a breath and own it with respect and kindness.

So, I ask you not 'Why are we here?' but 'Why are YOU here?' this is where the change you seek in your life lies.


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